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Single-Player Added To Planetary Annihilation!

Galactic War adds a new, dynamic single-player mode to Planetary Annihilation – and it’s available right now as an update to the game.

Big day for us over at Uber Entertainment. We just added single-player to Planetary Annihilation, which is something fans have been asking about for a very long time.…

Video Update for Elysian Shadows, Next-Gen 2D/3D RPG for Dreamcast, OUYA, etc.

The Elysian Shadows development team has just released a huge update for their “Next-Gen” multiplatform 2D/3D RPG slated for the OUYA and Sega Dreamcast, among other platforms. “Adventures in Game Development Chapter 25” was just released as the latest episode in their massively popular “reality game development” video blog series, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at the Elysian Shadows project and the life of a team of indie game developers.…

THE WOLF AMONG US – A Telltale Games Series Episode 4- ‘In Sheep’s Clothing’

YouTube Link: http://youtu.be/RsWWSMmhWS8
(Video embargo and live time 9am PT/12pm ET on 5/22)

Hello, Mundies…

Today we would like to share the full trailer and release dates for ‘In Sheep’s Clothing,’ the fourth episode in the critically-acclaimed series ‘The Wolf Among Us,’ based on Bill Willingham’s award-winning comic book series ‘FABLES’ and licensed by Warner Bros.…

Verdun: Heading to the frontline…

Developers M2H and BlackMill Games, announce a summer release and major overhaul of their promising World War 1 (WW1) shooter game; Verdun, now available for PC, Mac and Linux through Steam Early Access.


A major update has been made to the game Verdun, after receiving valuable player feedback.

The game has a fancy new graphical user interface which will vastly improve the player’s experience, especially the ability to play together in a squad has been made more prominent.…

G5 Brings The Island: Castaway® 2 to Windows Store & Mac

The much-anticipated sequel to the vibrant simulation game – The Island: Castaway® 2 is now available on Windows Store and Mac, care of G5 Entertainment, Sampad and Awem Games. This time the game throws you back in time so that you can uncover the history of the island long before the original castaways had landed.…


– inXile Entertainment announced an end of August launch window for Wasteland 2, one of the most successfully crowd funded projects/video games of all-time and sequel to the critically acclaimed smash hit Wasteland and the post-apocalyptic predecessor to the Fallout® series. In addition to the end of August launch window announcement, inXile Entertainment has released the entire Arizona portion of the game via the Wasteland 2 early access beta, which is only available at http://store.steampowered.com/app/240760/.…

Ancient Battle: Alexander coming to Mac this week!

Popular iOS wargame Ancient Battle: Alexander, which features 48 unique ancient units and 20 detailed missions, is coming to the Mac App Store this Thursday for $6.99 / €5.99 / £4.99.

Ancient Battle: Alexander delivers a unique wargaming experience on Mac. Use Macedonian Phalangites, Greek Hoplites, Indian Elephants, Scythed Chariots, Persian Cavalry, Catapults, Archers, Slingers, and many other unit types to engage in classic battles.…


Angry Mob Games, an independent game development studio, is thrilled to announce today that Muffin Knight is now available on Steam, for PC and Mac.

Muffin Knight is an action-packed platformer with eye-popping cartoonish visuals and a myriad of fairytale characters, each with their own unique abilities, which gain strength as you advance.…