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Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt DLC Released on Steam

Fellow Hunters! On this ominous Friday the 13th you are invited to enter the dark material of creation and dreams, known as the Ink by many. Legends say it was used to write the world into being at the dawn of time. Face new challenges in Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt, now available on Steam for $4.99, while discovering the four new areas and the secrets they hide:

A gothic town of human refugees, plagued by monsters, haunted by its own reflection where no one can enter, but it’s always too close.…


Packed with new features, environments, ships, aircraft and weapons, all rendered in incredible HD graphics!

Battle Group 2, a fast-paced, single player naval warfare game, launches this Friday on PC, Mac and Linux on Steam.

Developed by Brisbane-based Bane Games with the assistance of Right Pedal Studios and published worldwide by Merge Games, the sequel to the best-selling Battle Group puts you in command of advanced naval fleets to conquer a deadly global foe.…

Tank Battle: East Front series now available as a complete package on the Mac!

Tank Battle: East Front, the hex based tactical combat series from developers Hunted Cow Studios and HexWar are pleased to announce that it is now available on Mac and includes all the missions from the iOS installments of the series. The complete package which features over 80 missions and 110 historical units is available for $6.99 / €5.99 / £4.99 with no in-app purchases.…

The Secret Society – Hidden Mystery Charms Mac App Store Today, Care of G5 & MyTona

G5 Entertainment and MyTona released one of the most successful social/free-to-play games, The Secret Society® – Hidden Mystery, on the Mac App Store today. The Secret Society – Hidden Mystery is a blend of point and click, hidden objects and brain teaser puzzles. It has taken mobile devices by storm since the game launch, and now Mac players can experience the thrill of the adventure too.…

Titan Souls


Developer Acid Nerve
Publisher Devolver Digital
Genre Indie, Action Release Q1 2015
Platforms PS4, PS Vita, PC, Mac, Linux

Between our world and the world beyond lie the Titan Souls, the spiritual source and sum of all living things. Now scattered amongst the ruins and guarded by the idle titans charged with their care, a solitary hero armed with but a single arrow is once again assembling shards of the Titan Soul in a quest for truth and power.…

The Talos Principle

Developer Croteam
Publisher Devolver Digital

Genre First-Person Puzzle
Release Q3 2014
Platforms PS4 | PC | Mac | Linux

The Talos Principle is a philosophical first-person puzzle game from Croteam, the creators of the Serious Sam series, and written by Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper) and Jonas Kyratzes (Infinite Ocean). Players are tasked with solving a series of increasingly difficult series of complex puzzles woven into a metaphysical parable about intelligence and meaning in an inevitably doomed world.…

JUST REVEALED: Devolver Digital Unveils Croteam’s Next Game, The Talos Principle and the Just-Announced Titan Souls – Both Headed to PC, PlayStation 4® and PlayStation VitaT Along With Fan Favorites Broforce and Not a Hero

Just revealed at the Sony E3 press conference, Devolver Digital announces it has added two new games to its Indie Games Roster of AwesomenessT: Croatian development powerhouse Croteam’s The Talos Principle will launch on PC, PlayStation®4 and PlayStation VitaT as well as PC, Mac and Linux. Also revealed at the press conference, Devolver Digital is set to publish Titan Souls from developer Acid Nerve, recipient of the prestigious gold award at the 2013 Ludum Dare game jam.…


Hardcore pigeon dating sim fans everywhere are cooing with delight as developer Mediatonic (Amatuer Surgeon, Foul Play) and avian-friendly publisher Devolver Digital are joining forces to remake Hato Moa’s standout visual novel Hatoful Boyfriend for PC and Mac this summer. Originally launched in 2011 as a limited release Japanese visual novel, Hatoful Boyfriend quickly drew a loyal following of fans that created translation packs, gorgeous artwork, and even romantic fan faction based on their favorite pigeon boyfriends.…

Indie Mash-Up Concursion is out today on Steam!

Indie initiative Puuba and independent publishers Mastertronic are excited to announce the great indie mash-up Concursion is out today on Steam!

Discover the world of Concursion, a game played on the boundaries between genres, where an alternative reality dwells. Darklord Biganbad has kidnapped a princess and caused chaos in the universe.…

GhostControl Inc. – ghostly strategy game – available today on Steam. Brandnew Version 2.0!

Application Systems and bumblebee. announce the launch of GhostControl Inc. 2.0 – our turn based strategy game – for Mac/PC/Linux and available on Steam. Shipping on Steam today, version 2.0 has many improvements and new features our backers and supports requested.

Encouraged by over 10,000 supporters on Steam and feedback from 1,000’s of early adopters and the press alike we’ve decided to improve the product with loads of features.…