One Piece Unlimired World Red – Deluxe Edition
Re-discover the original adventure of Luffy and his pirate crew that encounter and befriends a cheerful yet mysterious raccoon named Pato who possesses a shadowy power to create anything drawn onto a leaf. In order to help their newfound friend, Pato leads the crew to the Forgotten Island where they get kidnapped by a wicked pirate named The Red Count and Luffy must fight to recover his crew from the enemy’s grasp and find out exactly what The Red Count’s evil plots are.
Explore the Grand Blue as never you’ve never seen it before. One Piece Unlimited World – Red Deluxe Edition will support up to 4K on PS4 Pro, Full HD on PS4. Players can rely up to 60 fps on all PS4 platforms in order to allow for a powerful and enjoyable experience. All games modes will be available for PS4 Pro and PS4 in 2-player Co-Op!