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Cut! Movie Quiz Game Premieres on App Store and Google Play

Flow Studio, a mobile entertainment company, has released Cut! – A Video Quiz for Movie Fans on App Store and Google Play. With hundreds of clips and thousands of contextual questions, Cut! is the ultimate way to compare movie fan’s knowledge.

Cut! is a quiz app that digs deeper into movie trivia than any other mobile game on the market. First, you watch short clips to relive famous moments from classic and modern movies. Then, you go head-to-head against friends or random opponents to answer contextual questions about the films. Do you know which Bible passage Jules quotes in Pulp Fiction? How about the color of Luke’s light saber in The Empire Strikes Back, or the name of the planet humans are mining in Avatar?

Thousands of trivia questions are available in categories including Awarded Movies, Dancing Scenes, Marvel Superheroes and even the Game of Thrones TV series—with many more to come. This free app is packed with at least 15 hours of gameplay to keep players coming back for more, with dozens of questions for each clip concerning the plot, dialogue, and details of specific scenes. Invite Facebook friends to play against you, earn gems for every match you win, and see how your knowledge of your favorite films stacks up in the global leaderboards.

“My friends and I are always quoting iconic lines from our favorite movies. We remember all these random details, and sharing them can bring back a film’s emotional moments in an engaging way,” says Cut! game designer Richard Horin, who was previously a movie production designer. “That was my inspiration for Cut!—to let players who love movies compete in trivia matches with friends and other fans all over the world. We couldn’t find any quiz game like this in any mobile store, so we made our own!”

Cut! launch trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-2XrK2swBo

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