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Wobbles Wiggles Its Way on iOS and Android Worldwide

Play Nimbus, a student founded game development team from colleges in New England, has released their first mobile title, Wobbles, for iOS and Android app stores worldwide.

In Wobbles, players safely guide a line of adorable creatures, called Wobbles, across a dangerous landscape by placing gadgets and technologies in their path. As you do this, progress your Wobbles through time and advance their technologies to help them advance through time.

“Wobbles is a unique blend of modern gameplay mechanics and the classic game Lemmings,” said Nick Mudry, Producer and Creative Director for Play Nimbus. “Wobbles is just the beginning of our adventures as a game development team. We can’t wait to share our next project with everyone very soon!”

Wobbles is won the “Best Entertainment Game” award in March 2013 at the Microsoft New England Research and Development Center during the Mass DiGI Game Challenge.

Wobbles is currently available on the Apple App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon Marketplace for $1.99.

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