Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class '' not found in /home/johnmbk/domains/gamecry.com/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324 KILL THE CLOWNS – GameCry.com


Get ready for the most ridiculous and addictive defense game ever for iOS!

Kill the Clowns is now available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

They are here! Kill the Clowns is a tower defense game developed by the indie company OneEyeAnt based in Rosario, Argentina. Let’s take a look:

A crowd of alien-clowns from the Planet Ridiculonia discovered that the viscosity of human baby drool provides an unmatched flavor and texture to their space-candies, so they want to steal our children and take them to their planet. To stop them, you must use the bravest people ever to protect our babies: the circus performers!

The game has 48 levels with progressive difficulty and hidden cheats in a lot of them that makes it really hilarious. On each chapter of the story you’ll discover new characters as The Old-Strongman, The Fire-Blower, The Magician or The Bearded Lady, who will present new challenges by adding new defense strategies to defeat the nasty alien-clowns. Some enemies can shoot energy beams to your defenders, others can fly, others have a helmet that protects them against magic, making Kill the Clowns a great game with several types of enemies with different abilities.

Let’s talk about the defenders…

Kill the Clowns has 9 types of defenders, each one with three different upgrade levels. The default color for all defenders is blue and they have basic skills. After the first upgrade, they turn orange and their skills improve making them stronger, having greater range of attack and improving their recovery time between one attack and another. Finally, when defenders reach their highest upgrade level, they turn black and they can fully take advantage of their skills. You can find the complete characters guide and more information at www.killtheclowns.com
Even though Tower Defense genre is very crowed on the App Store this game makes a big difference. The artwork is extraordinary; it has stunning music and sound design; each character has a unique functionality and has a very different story.


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Cinematic trailer :

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