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ASTRAL TRAVELER launches on PC, Mac and Linux

Indie runner racer ASTRAL TRAVELER launched on Steam (PC, Mac and Linux)

Race at blazing speeds, leaping across platforms, shooting down alien raiders and phasing through astral obstacles with ASTRAL TRAVELER, a new indie runner racer launching today. 47 perilous sectors await any travelers with the courage to confront them.

ASTRAL TRAVELER is a game made for the community, developed in front of a live audience on Twitch, and incorporating leaderboards for those seeking to show their dominance.…

Defend the Cake Launches on Steam Early Access

The Defend the Cake team is excited to announce the Steam Early Access launch of a strategic and scrumptious Tower Defense game: Defend the Cake!

The game is set amidst a bright, cheery, island kingdom of enticing desserts. Eggperor Shellmane has baked a castle full of desserts to share with his kingdom, but a variety of thieving bugs each want the cakes for themselves.…

Vulture, arcade-style shooter available, on Steam

Cubic Timeline Productions announced the launch of Vulture, the arcade-style shooter available  in the Steam Store.

When people are scarce, machines do the fighting! Take control of an aerial drone and help your planet fend off the invaders in Vulture, an arcade-style shoot-em-up. Customize your drone with the in-game editor for maximum firepower, durability and speed.…

A ROBOT NAMED FIGHT is now available on Steam

Matt Bitner Games’ genre mashup A ROBOT NAMED FIGHT is now available on Steam.

Alien abominations, labyrinthine levels, and permadeath await you in this stunning homage to 16-bit platformers.

Combining the best of the Metroidvania and roguelike genres, A Robot Named Fight’s monstrous creatures, huge item variety, quirky writing, co-op gameplay, and synthwave soundtrack are sure to make an impression on platforming fans.…

Hypernova: Escape From Hadea out on Steam

ActaLogic announced that its single-player real time strategy game, Hypernova: Escape from Hadea, is now available for PC on Steam. Combining classic resource management and civilization building with intuitive tower-defense gameplay, Hypernova: Escape From Hadea is a charming sci-fi and fantasy RTS with quirky characters, beautiful planetary design and a healthy dollop of humor.…

Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition available on PC/Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game combining American football with the Warhammer fantasy world, today welcomes its Legendary Edition! This is the ultimate Blood Bowl experience, available on PC/Mac, PS4 and Xbox One. Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition is downloadable as a stand-alone game for newcomers, and as the Official Expansion for all current Blood Bowl 2 players.…