Today, an intriguing title has been announced for PlayStation 4 called Pillar. Writing via the PlayStation blog, designer Michael Hicks described the game as “a collection of minigames, where each game represents a different type of personality that we find in people. For example, there are introverts that lose energy from being around people, extroverts that expand energy from interacting with others, characters that make decisions with logic, characters that make decisions with feeling and so on. My goal is to express these traits entirely through gameplay mechanics.”
Pillar can be viewed as a video game representation of the Myers-Brigs self-assessment test, a popular personality test used by psychologists. Despite the game having a strong rooting in theory, Hicks stressed that his goal is for players to experience these ideas through the rules of the game: “I wanted to make a game that tells a ‘story’ non-verbally, through gameplay mechanics, without any cutscenes or dialogue.”
Developed entirely by a team of two, Pillar has been in development since August 2012. Hicks hinted in the blog post that they are aiming for a fall 2014 release and will be revealing more details about the game as time goes on via @PillarTheGame.
You can view the game’s official website, and additional press materials, here: