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The Sun & Moon released today on Steam

Platformer with unique gaming mechanic and over 150 levels, available on Steam for $9.99

The Sun and Moon, the winner of Ludum Dare 29, is a platformer with a unique mechanic: you can dive into the ground. Momentum is conserved but gravity is reversed, letting you fling yourself high into the air or deep beneath the surface. The goal is always straightforward – collect the three orbs in the level and jump into the wormhole – but spikes, endless drops and impossible heights make this more and more difficult.

What the critics say:

”The Sun and Moon is a clever, lovely, cleverly lovely puzzle-platformer unlike any other puzzle-platformer you’ve played” PCGamer US
“The sort of one-mechanic puzzle platforming I love” RockPaperShotgun US
“The lovely, lo-fi platformer… it plays with an addicting pace, the momentum mechanic providing a liberating sense of movement” KillScreen US

Available now on Steam priced $9.99 http://store.steampowered.com/app/321560/

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