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Backgammon Blitz comes to North and South America!

Hello! We’re very excited to be able to tell you some great and exciting news!

The game will be released in North and South America on the 04-15- 14 on PS3, PS4, and PS VITA for only $7.99!

Backgammon is a simple game of racing your checkers around a board and the first one to take them all off wins, sounds simple right? And it really is, however once you have got to grips with the basics you’ll soon see that there is a lot of hidden depth, with a host of different strategies and tactics to try out… If you haven’t played Backgammon before then we’d recommend you start out with playing the tutorial!

One thing that was crucially important to us from the start of development was not only faithfully recreating a classic, but making sure we take the visuals to the next level. Having already proved on our tech on games like Hustle Kings and Pure Chess we wanted to make sure that Backgammon Blitz had the same level of visual polish and utilising the power of the PlayStation platforms we’re sure you’ll agree that these might just be the most beautiful backgammon sets you’ve ever seen. With four individually crafted themes to choose from whether it be wood, leather your eyes are in for a feast!

Once you get to grips with things, why not play a friend in the seamless a-sync online mode where you can play PS4 vs PS4, PS Vita vs PS4, PS Vita vs PS Vita and once the PS3 version comes out you’ll be able to throw that into the mix, so yes basically that’s what is known as Cross Play!

However the fun doesn’t end there, Standard Backgammon is a fantastic game, reportedly one of the oldest 2 player board games in the world with numerous different names like Tavli, Shesh Besh to name a couple, and lots of different rule sets and iterations…

And we thought it would be rude to make a Backgammon Game and not add our own personal twist to it, So (drum roll please) May I introduce to you Blitz Mode!

Now that you’ve got the basics down and been dominating the online arena, it’s time to get into Blitz mode, with 8 different power ups to try from On Fire to Knockout it’s sure to provide hours of fun and lots of strategic thinking! With only 3 power ups allowed per game, make sure you pick the right ones at the right time!

We hope you enjoy playing Backgammon Blitz as much as we do.

You can get the trailer from dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fsh9ls4jsw2wbtp/6JQDMb4ZcX

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