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Iceberg Interactive and Little Green Men Games announced today the launch date of their hugely popular, community-driven space sim-RPG Starpoint Gemini 2. Starpoint Gemini 2 will be released on Steam Friday, September 26, 2014.

In addition to revealing the launch date, Little Green Men Games is offering a fresh new set of screenshots HERE: http://we.tl/q1jFt5vhqP

With Starpoint Gemini 2, space-fans can captain their own space ship and roam the galaxy in 3D, in this tactical space simulator filled with tons of RPG depth.

Key Features Include:•Complex, but easy-to-use RPG system, now coupled with dynamic real-time 3D combat
•Explore the dynamic game world as a whole, rather than through individual maps
•Use T-Gates, wormholes, and rift ways to travel faster around the Gemini system
•50 diverse factions ranging from states and companies to outlaws, locked in a power struggle, with more than 100 commodities to trade or plunder
•Special revocable licenses acquired from factions offer various bonuses and unlock new options
•Gamers can view mercenary captains to follow them on their travels to share their fate, and employ officers to fill key positions on their ship (engineering, navigation, tactical)
•Random missions get generated depending on the player’s actions and allegiances
•More than 70 unique ships, fully upgradeable with various ship systems, with a.o. visible turrets, and a large arsenal of destructive weapons to blast enemies to pieces
•Direct ship controls create complete immersion
•Advanced physics provided by NVIDIA PhysX technology
•Extensive modding with Steam Workshop
Starpoint Gemini 2 is currently available in Early Access on Steam, store.steampowered.com/app/236150, for more information on the game, visit: www.starpointgemini.com/.

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