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Heroes Wanted has released a new update

Quest RPG Revealed New Contents with Update!

· ‘Golden Time’, ‘Recipe Workshop’, ‘Bounty Training Camp’ and ‘Raid Bounty of Ancient Grade’ were added
· Open ‘Key Collection’ and ‘Awakening Material Drop Rate Up’ promotion

NHN Studio629 announced today that its in-house developed quest RPG called Heroes Wanted has released a new update which will provide players easier recruitment of Mercenaries and more diversified Bounty system.

▲Golden Time and ▲Recipe Workshop lowered the barrier to obtain Mercenaries and ▲Bounty Training Camp and ▲ Raid Bounty of Ancient Grade enriched bounty system.

*Golden Time: During Golden Time, the chance of obtaining 4-5 star mercenaries, via ticket, increases fivefold compared to normal period. By drawing mercenaries, players can charge the Golden Time Gauge. Ten times of drawing make the Gauge fully charged and Golden Time starts. The Golden Time lasts for 5 hours and players can draw bounties for 3 times within the time.

*Recipe Workshop: It is a new method of obtaining new mercenaries without draw. Strong mercenaries appear in the summon list of Recipe Workshop and players can summon them by using their own mercenaries as consumable materials.

*Bounty Training Camp: It is new contents which raise usability of mercenaries and bounties. Players can register their mercenaries and bounties to the Bounty Training Camp and after some period of time, the bounties are cleared automatically regardless of bounties’ difficulty. The registered mercenaries cannot be used in other contents while they are being used in the Bounty Training Camp but by using this system players can foster 2 different decks simultaneously and also mercenaries can be fostered even during late night (when normally the players went deep sleep).

*Raid Bounty of Ancient Grade: This is contents for high ranking players. More powerful raid boss has added and more rewards will be given.

Heroes Wanted also started two in-game promotions called ‘Key Collection’ and ‘Awakening Material Drop Rate Up’.

Through Key Collection promotion, players obtain keys by exploring specific game contents and according to the number of keys they collected, they can exchange them to in-game money or items.
Awakening Material Drop Rate Up promotion doubles the drop rate of awakening material in Time Space Criminal.