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Cursed Castilla: Don Ramiro arrives to Steam! (Video)

After landing in Xbox One, Don Ramiro comes back home to bring the remastered version of the land of Tolomera

O, valiant player, for centuries thee have awaited this opportunity to face this modern arcade in the battlefield of your PC with your own holy blade! Abylight and Locomalito’s extended version of this retroarcade classic will be available on Steam after getting Greenlit in just one week on Steam Greenlight.

All Steam users will be able to enjoy the most addictive arcade on October 20th at 19:00 (PDT) with a 10% discount off its price(11’99 €/$). Cursed Castilla for PC will keep all the new features first seen in the Xbox One version plus the achievements, cards and profile backgrounds collection that Abylight has designed especially for Steam.

In Cursed Castilla you become Don Ramiro to fight and banish the evil invading the lands of Tolomera. The action takes place in the kingdom of Castilla (in Spain) where we will face mouras, ojáncanos and nuberus: creatures from the European folklore and legends, as well as from chivalric romances such as Amadís de Gaula.

This classic action-adventure arcade game gathered unanimous recognition both from gamers and critics who was looking for a game like the retro classic ones: direct entertainment, able to dare the player in every stage, chiptune sound and a gameplay as addictive as intuitive.