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Kaleidogames presents: Beekyr: the eco shoot-’em-up bee

The adventure of a bee seeking revenge for the death of his queen and hive. Beekyr is the debut title from KaleidoGames.

Set in the insect kingdom, players have to guide Beekyr through 23 treacherous levels, 5 of which are secret. Beekyr uses a classic shoot’em up format with power-ups, bosses and many different kinds of enemies. The insect theme provides a visual break from other games in this genre, which are commonly set in space or at war. The environment has been produced in detail to show the scale and give depth, with flowers that are larger than the player, hives that seem like planetary caves and trees that never seem to end. Don’t be fooled by the bright and colourful graphics – it’s made for adults and children alike.

Difficulty has been created with all players in mind: from the novice gamer to more
hardcore players that want a ‘bullet hell’ experience. Quote from the developer: “I even went as far as using my mother-in-law as a guinea pig to make sure the easy mode was easy enough!”

Beekyr keeps within the spirit of a game from the 80s, where hi-scores are a big part of the fun. Using Google Games makes the experience really exciting when sharing scores with the whole world.

Here is an example of the same level played with different levels of difficulty: The “continue” system in some difficulty modes allows the player infinite tries. Sounds good, but there is a catch – you can only continue from the last level played, with no additional lives.

You can start any game from any discovered world though. That makes things a lot easier. The touch control system – after passing through several models during the development process – has been designed to be simple and easy to use. Players can use one finger with auto fire on, or opt to use two fingers, one for movement and one for fire. Sensitivity is also adjustable. OUYA control was also playtested to finally add an optional autofire as some controllers
were lagging after so much shooting.

Difficulty: Normal Difficulty: Hard
Difficulty: Easy

Levels are in 2 different formats: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal levels work in a
classic R-type format, scrolling from left to right. Vertical levels require the player to collect pollen by killing enemies, which then fill up a pollen count bar. There’s a mini boss at the top of the screen who can only be defeated by filling up the pollen bar within the time limit.

If you’re ready to spend a few hours to complete all 23 stages, you will unlock modes (one each time): ‘very difficult’, ‘bullet-hell’ and ‘madness’.

Android (Google Play) Has an international ranking system based on points and difficulty, eventually there will be contests for the higher scores in some game modes. There are also plans to release on googleTV, steam and iOS.

Beekyr is available for purchase from:

Google Play:
FULL VERSION: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=a ir.kaleidogames.Beekyr
FREE DEMO: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.air.BeekyrAndroid


IKOID Bundle#2: (for limited time in Mid December):

Samsung Apps:

More information about the game and the new indie group here:

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