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Stela, Haunting Platformer Arrives on Xbox One

 SkyBox Labs, co-developer of Halo Infinite, brings Stela, the cinematic platformer about a young woman witnessing the final days of a mysterious ancient world, to Xbox One today. Stela will explore the desolation on Windows PC in Q1 2020.

As a once-thriving land lies dying, a young woman traverses the decaying remnants of her civilization in search of any last shreds of hope.…

Felix the Reaper on PS4, Switch, Xbox One, Windows & Mac

Publisher Daedalic Entertainment and independent developer Kong Orange have released Felix The Reaper, a quirky title blending romantic comedy and 3D puzzle adventure nominated for Most Original Game at gamescom 2019. Featuring the voice talent of Sir Patrick Stewart as the narrator, Felix The Reaper is out on PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Windows PC and Mac via Steam and GOG.com.…

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], Collector’s edition coming Feb. 2020

Aksys Games in conjunction with Arc System Works and French-Bread unveiled a Collector’s Edition of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r], the highly anticipated next installment in the Under Night In-Birth 2D fighting game saga. Coming to the PlayStation®4 system and the Nintendo Switch™ on February 20, 2020, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] will feature a new playable character and updates to the game which include nearly a thousand balance changes and new moves.…

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Complete Edition – Windows & PS4

Marvelous Europe, in partnership with Marvelous Inc and XSEED Games / Marvelous USA Inc, announced that Travis Touchdown makes his PlayStation 4 and STEAM (Windows) debut in Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Complete Edition with a simultaneous worldwide release today 17th October 2019.

Originally released for the Nintendo Switch as Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Complete Edition brings the over-the-top indie inspired insanity to PlayStation 4 and STEAM (Windows) with improved visuals and support for up to 120 FPS on compatible hardware.

Tokyo Dark – Remembrance, horror adventure for Switch coming Nov. 7

Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) publishing label UNTIES in collaboration with developers Cherrymochi and mebius. will bring Tokyo Dark – Remembrance -, the anime-style murder mystery merging visual novel and adventure features, to Nintendo Switch on Nov. 7. The macabre tale will creep up on PlayStation 4 this year.
Tokyo Dark – Remembrance – expands the gripping story of the original Tokyo Dark with updated and additional content as well as new endings.

The Eyes of Ara, Puzzle Adventure game on Switch

The Eyes of Arathe award-winning puzzle adventure set in a mysterious castle, welcomes daring Nintendo Switch owners to uncover its secrets.
An enigmatic aura blankets a towering castle. Untouched for centuries, the lonely edifice attracts many a rumor and superstition. A radio transmission, suddenly broadcast from somewhere within the castle’s weathered walls, silences the whispers.

Ghost Parade coming to PS4 and Switch in November

Something scary is lurking in the woods… and it needs your help! ? Numskull Games is incredibly pleased to announce that it will be publishing Ghost Parade on the Nintendo Switch & PS4 in Europe and Australia this November.

Ghost Parade follows the adventures of Suri, a young girl who gets lost in a mysterious forest on her way home from school.…