newbieCAT released BricksItOut onto worldwide. The new game BricksItOut is now available on the App store and google play.
newbieCAT who developed CastleOfDuck and FlipFlipDuck released BricksItOut onto worldwide. BricksItOut is a simple game which check and break bricks. Anyone can play easily and simply.
Check the color of brick at top part then find and break the brick of same color by slide that. If the brick of top part disappear on screen, you receive a time penalty. If you break bricks consecutively, you receive a time bonus.
The latest version provides OneWay, TwoWay and Reverse mode. OneWay mode offers just one brick and TwoWay mode offers two kinds of brick. Reverse mode has to slide in opposite direction of normal. The modes have each a leaderboard and have achievements. Get a high score for a limited time. Let’s compete with your friends of the whole world.
Launch Trailer –
GamePage –
AppStore –
GooglePlay –
About newbieCAT
newbieCAT have developed games since 2012. The major works are FilpFlipDuck, CastleOfDuck and BricksItOut.