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Digital Tribe Games and Deep Fried Enterprises have logged onto Steam, bypassed the firewall, and made ROOT access available to the masses. ROOT has officially launched for Windows PC, Mac and Linux platforms on Steam and other digital distribution channels with a celebratory limited time 20% discount off of its suggested retail price of $9.99

“I spent a great deal of time making sure that all of the levels could be played both entirely with stealth or aggressively depending on how the player wants, so if you’re good at one but not the other you can still enjoy the game. For the best experience though you definitely want to play with a mix of the two. There’s just something really satisfying about taking out a room full of enemies and then slipping away just as some more come to investigate.”

“Most games try very hard to make you feel like a badass, without ever having you put the effort in yourself. In ROOT we give you the tools you need to press through the obstacles at hand. But you have to be careful or become skilled. Both of these things take time and patience, so when you do finally reach your victory you earned it, and it’s something you can genuinely be proud of.”
-Harrison Tucker, Deep Fried Enterprises Level Designer

ROOT LAUNCH TRAILER – youtu.be/cVfzAh3fEHs

Step into the inexpensive loafers of expert hacker Edward Summerton. Roll up your sleeves, pop your collar and brew a pot of coffee, because today you’re going to breach the networks of a mysterious and powerful corporation.

During this undertaking of corporate crypto-espionage you will face many hostile programs, but your most dangerous enemy is the man who designed them. The Systems Administrator built the System from the ground up and holds immense power within the network. He will use the limitless resources at his disposal to prevent you from achieving your goal: total ROOT access to the System


/// Accurate Guns ///
Your crosshair is literally a dot. No reticule bloom, no accuracy cones, no B.S. Your shot lands where the cursor points.

/// Real Stealth ///
No “crouch for invisibility,” you must tread softly and check your corners.

/// Boss Fights ///
Be prepared for tough, end of level fights. Only truly dangerous enemies are satisfying to defeat.

/// Interactive Environment ///
Objects can be moved, shot, shattered, picked up and thrown.

/// Adjustable Abstract Visuals ///
The inside of a computer is not what you expect. Complete with adjustable color.

/// Old School Mentality ///
This is a game, not a movie. You are in control of all your actions. No QTEs or long animated cut scenes.

/// Vaguely Witty Dialogue [On/Off] ///
Listen to your companion, SHELL, ramble on about various things, which may or may not pertain to the story arc. Don’t care what he has to say? Just turn off dialogue in the options menu.

ROOT launched today on Steam, Humble Store and other digital distribution channels for Windows PC, Mac and Linux with a 20% discount off of its $9.99 SRP.

Steam Store Page: store.steampowered.com/app/393610