SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair is an interactive murder mystery visual novel. It revolves around a small group of friends, gathering at a secluded mountain resort, in order to spend the night of All Hallows’ Eve together. What was originally intended to be a fun little Halloween party quickly turns into an actual night of horrors, though. When one of the attendees is found dead, fear and uncertainty spread among the group as the friends realize they are trapped with a murderer.
SHINRAI features a variety of interactive elements to help you feel like an actual detective:
– Make Choices that will not only contribute towards your Detective Rank, but also influence the story and unlock bonus content upon its completion!
– Investigate and interrogate in order to collect clues and evidence, which will help you solve various mysteries throughout the night!
– Present Evidence to back up your claims as you unravel the truth and reveal the identity of the culprit!
SHINRAI and its soundtrack will be released on August 26, and will be available on and Steam for $14.99 USD and $7.99 USD, respectively.