TaleWorlds Entertainment is proud to announce “Viking Conquest” an upcoming DLC for Mount & Blade Warband, externally developed by the team behind the popular “Brytenwalda” mod. Viking Conquest takes the Mount & Blade franchise into historical Dark Age Britain, at a time when Norsemen began to raid the British Isles, looting monasteries and burning coastal settlements. The DLC features an overworld map encompassing Britain, Norway and Denmark, a fully fledged single player storyline, as well as the classic sandbox mode with expanded diplomatic options. Multi player also plays host to new game modes, including sea battles and coastal raids. All filled with completely new armours, weaponry, scenes and characters authentic to the Dark Age setting.
Viking Conquest will soon be available on Steam’s Early Access. The game is still under development and will continue to be developed, while in Early Access, with input and feedback from players.
website: www.taleworlds.com
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About TaleWorlds Entertainment
TaleWorlds Entertainment is an independent computer and video game development company founded by Armağan Yavuz, best known for developing the Mount & Blade game series. The company is based in Ankara, Turkey and strives to innovate and explore unique gameplay experiences in its products.
2005 – First playable alpha of Mount & Blade released
2008 – Mount & Blade released
2010 – Mount & Blade Warband released
2011 – Mount & Blade With Fire and Sword standalone released
2012 – Mount & Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars DLC released