Traxmaster Software, an independent developer, announced today that a new game titled “Exception” will be released for PC, Mac and Linux platforms in 2015.
Watch the new Exception teaser trailer here (1:56) :
Exception is a precision 2.5d platformer with a sharp focus on controls and inventive level design. The game puts a new spin on the longstanding platformer genre by rotating, flipping and manipulating entire levels to challenge players’ ability to negotiate tough obstacles and overcome vicious enemies.
Ever wonder what goes on inside of your parents’ malware and virus infested computer? Exception goes where no technology-capable person wants to go, into the heart of a computer system corrupted with untold layers of toolbars, malware and virus infections.
Players will run, jump, wall slide, and attack their way across more than 100 innovative levels set inside a massive computer system under siege from a torrent of viruses. Simple, refined controls will assist players in this endeavor as anyone familiar with modern platformers will feel right at home.
Traxmaster Software is a single-member development company with game production beginning in 2013. It’s first game, Sloth Patrol, was featured in the inaugural edition of Desura’s Freedom Friday promotion in 2013.