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For those wanting to taste the savory dish that is Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube before sitting down to the full five course meal it offers, a free demo is now available on Steam.

This demo offers up 3 of the 6 Levels from World 1 which allows the apprehensive buyer to experience the awe and wonder that players and journalists alike are falling in love with. The full version of Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube offers up multiple themed worlds, each containing 6 levels and each level containing a secret to find. New worlds also bring with them new cubes. While the demo only showcases the “building blocks” which are used to create new pathways to reach new areas, the full version offers up gravity manipulation, energy source and propulsion cubes into the mix as well.

See what the players have been saying and then play it yourself!

QBEH-1: The Atlas Cube is an atmospheric 1st-person puzzle platformer by Liquid Flower that takes players on an inspired quest through a variety of divergent worlds, each filled with new mysteries and secrets to uncover. In each world, players find special cubes that must be collected and used to navigate to the next portal. The full version of the game is available on Steam for $9.99 USD.

The inspiring QBEH-1: The Atlas Cube original soundtrack by Launchable Socks, including never before heard bonus tracks, can be found and purchased on Bandcamp: http://launchablesocks.bandcamp.com/album/qbeh-1-ost

Qbeh-1 on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/252550/
Official Website: Qbeh-1.com

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