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Chester United – January 2015 Demo

“A brand new demo for Brilliant Blue-G’s Chester United has just been released. It features a small slice of the cupcake grabbing adventure, which is set to release in mid-2015 for PC, Mac, and Linux (and maybe some consoles too. Intrigue!)

Chester United, followup to 2011’s Chester, is a platformer that allows the player to not only switch between one of many characters on the fly but also change the Style of the world around them. These Styles change the look of the entire world and grant unique gameplay bonuses such as weaker enemies, slower platforms, more items, and other benefits.
There will be around 10 Styles in the final game ranging from blueprints, sketchbooks, and pixels to storybooks and more.

Players will unlock new Styles and Characters as they traverse the many worlds of Chester in search of their lost cupcakes and the monster responsible for scattering them: The Bad Guy.

This demo features 1 small overworld to explore, 3 levels to blast through, 4 styles to enjoy, and 4 Chesters to be confused by.

Demo download page: http://brilliantblueg.com/game.php?game=chesterUnited&p=demo
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmQT_RE_bTE&feature=youtu.be

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