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The Demon Lord is dead…and the hero is out of a job. What now? Find out in *Wizards & Wagons* – launching on iOS next week

Wizards & Wagons, the new fantasy trading adventure by Touch Dimensions — the studio behind Autumn Dynasty — arrives on iOS Thursday, November 12th 🙂

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eqoJ2W_wZU

What’s a hero to do when all the demons are gone? Become a trader and travel the world in a makeshift wagon — of course!

In Wizards & Wagons, you will journey across townships and villages trading supplies with local merchants to generate much-needed income. It sounds simple, but trading in a fantasy world is nothing but: As you’d expect, the roads are teeming with highway robbers, monsters…and even a giant world turtle (!). To survive (and thrive), you’ll have to equip your wagon with weapons and magic — the only proven ways to keep danger at bay. And remember: Just because you can’t die from diseases (à la Oregon Trail), it doesn’t mean that dragons can’t hurt you…

If you’d like to review/cover Wizards & Wagons, let us know and we’ll send you a promo code right away. To celebrate the launch, the prices for Touch Dimensions’ two other iOS titles (Autumn Dynasty and Warlords) will be reduced to $4.99 during Wizards & Wagons *first week* on the App Store.

Once a great hero (perhaps the greatest of them all), you are now broke, unemployed, and homeless. But one day, an entrepreneurial wizard gives you a wagon linked to an offer you can’t refuse: to take the wagon and work as a trader until you can earn enough gold to buy back your home. Armed with nothing but reliable transportation (and what little remains of your treasure), you set off on a new, unexpected adventure…

In Wizards & Wagons, no two towns are alike: What one has in surplus, another will have in deficit. Knowing where to find the best deals and where to sell are critical for maximizing profits. For example, just because a town is running low on iron one day does not mean the shortage will last forever.

Inventory management is key. A “Tetris-like” tile management system will help you find room for everything that matters. If you start running out of space altogether, you can upgrade your wagon to something bigger and better — with plenty of storage capacity for goods and weapons.

The world of Wizards & Wagons is brought to life with a robust calendar — complete with changing seasons and special events. Have your eye on a nice wagon upgrade? Need a way to earn extra gold? Join the Merchants Guild and take on quests for even more rewards! Sold some goods to the wrong merchant and missed a high-paying bounty? Cunningly exploit a town’s annual festival and make up for lost profits.

Get that wagon in tip-top shape, choose your goods wisely, and get ready: The real adventure is about to begin!

— Buy and sell goods in a vast fantasy world.
— Cunningly exploit festivals for profit.
— Take on randomly-generated Assignments from the Commerce Guild.
— Manage your inventory space with a Tetris-like system.
— Constantly upgrade your wagon and equipment.
— Defend your precious cargo from the likes of thieves, ogres…and even a massive world-turtle!

Wizards & Wagons will launch exclusively on iOS Thursday, Nov. 12th for $4.99. Like our hero, Touch Dimensions only sells high-quality goods as a one-time purchase. No IAPs or advertisements allowed 🙂