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Piiig Forest Explorer 1.1 is out! Experience the forest like never before in this animated adventure for iOS (Video)

Piiig Forest Explorer has been updated with 12 animal puzzles — including all-new animations 🙂 Meet Chipper the Chipmunk and scores of other animals in this charming adventure created specifically for touchscreens:

Each of the puzzles in Piiig Forest Explorer unlocks unique facts about the animals you and Chipper encounter along the way. Did you know that frogs don’t drink water? (They actually absorb the water through their skin.) How about the fact that turtles can live to be more than 100 years old? And that skunks can spray their enemies with a smelly oil up to three meters — with pinpoint accuracy, no less? You’ll meet a gentle doe and her baby fawns, croaking frogs resting by a pond, buzzing bees, and much more. And once night falls, it’s time for you and Chipper to discover a new side to these animals — and find out how they survive in the dark…!

Solve puzzles and learn fun facts about the animals you meet in this engaging educational puzzle game for iOS devices. Ready to meet a whole new set of friends? 🙂

Nancy Lu (founder, Piiig Inc):

“I love to come up with exciting ways for kids to learn about science. It’s a dream come true for a developer like me. By allowing kids to poke around in the forest, we hope to get them more curious about what nature has to offer.”

— Help Chipper the Chipmunk climb trees, eat nuts and berries, or go home to sleep
— Meet and interact with more than a dozen creatures in a neverending forest environment
— Discover and activate 12 animal puzzles with animations
— Learn animal names and their unique qualities
— Experience new scenes as the day turns into night
— Supports 8 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Chinese (simplified), Japanese, and Russian

Piiig Forest Explorer is available on the App Store for a single purchase of $2.99.