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Silly Bubbles to Scratch Addiction Itch — Android Game Draws Attention to Addictive Personalities

Known about for some time now, it’s widely accepted that the face of addiction comes in many shapes and sizes. Recent reports which featured the whales of mobile gaming have drawn further attention to the dollars involved revolving around this facet of addiction.

Silly Bubbles, released in March of this year, drives users deeper and further into that perpetual gaming abyss by combining elements of simplicity, ease of use, and satisfyingly appropriate reward-center trigger mechanisms. By allowing the user to pick up and put down at any time, it becomes a tool that is destined to be part of any number of time-killing toolkits. Already apparent, according to reviews, the game is quickly gathering momentum and is expected to snowball, much like other titles that are easily remembered, but will forego mentioning in this release.

“Exciting short session play. This is a great have when you only want to play a minute or two at a time,” says one reviewer. “Waiting in line, over a commercial break, or just as a quick distraction from work,” the reviewer spells out suitable situations and scenarios for scintillating play.

Fundamentally, the game serves its purpose as an apparatus of entertainment. The deceptively simple design brings mind-numbing tapping together with item collection, much like a red varietal from Pinotage pairs with a serving of filet mignon. Further complimenting the flavors of this gem, the price tag of free and no in-app purchases, guarantee a wide audience of young and old alike.

Who would have guessed popping bubbles and collecting things could be so addictive? Android users with extreme levels of self-control should download the game.