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Qualityindex.com reveals the top 10 critically acclaimed Android games and apps of January 2013

If you were wondering what the best reviewed Android games and apps on the web last month were, here’s the Android Quality Index (Qi) round-up for
January to fill you in.

The Android Quality Index boasts over 200,000 scores from the world’s best websites, such as AppStorm, Life of Android, and Pocket Gamer, and uses a unique metric to create a single definitive score for each Android title.…

Unique Multiplayer Board Game Has You Battling For The Throne Of The King

Games publisher ‘OlatunjiWorld’ is proud to announce the release of ‘The Wild Kingdoms’ on iOS® and Android™ compatible devices. Developed in a partnership with established game studio ‘Coatsink Software’, this highly unique title is an epic African fantasy game concerning the rivalries and battles of men, spirits, and animals as they compete for supremacy in a world that is falling apart!…

Award-winning Marble Shooter ‘Sparkle’ Now on Windows Phone 8

Established game developer 10tons Ltd. announced today the latest title in their weekly launch cycle of Windows Phone 8 games. This week’s title is the award-winning hit game Sparkle, available immediately for USD 2,99$.

Sparkle is the most successful game in 10tons’ considerable catalogue of top quality games. Adding spectacular powerups, special effects and an interesting metagame to the popular marble shooter blend of match-3 games, Sparkle won the Grand Prize of USD 250,000$ in Nokia’s Calling All Innovators competition in 2011.…

Fairy awakes on App Store in Gorgeous 3D puzzle game

Lithuanian based studio, Eligo Games is proud to announce the launch of their latest title — Sunny Drops. Gorgeous and colorful as a sweetest dream, this game tells a story of cute and sleepy fairies. Wake them up using gentle beam of light and direct tiny creatures towards the safety of a blossoming flower.…


Mobile games publisher, Thumbstar Games, is pleased to announce that today marks the release of Animentals for Android devices on Google Play!

Nurse your Cyber-Pet from freaky and feral to a fun-loving furball

Animentals is a great app for kids 4+, teaching them to care for and rehabilitate their very first cyper-pet.…

Parkour game “Vector” is now available for Android!

Game creator Nekki is pleased to announce that its Parkour-inspired action game “Vector” is now officially out on Google Play for Android. Even better, users of Android smart phones as well as Android tablet users can download the fascinating Parkour adventure free of charge.

“Vector for Android” is a mobile conversion of the popular Facebook game “Vector”, which has already delighted more than 10 million players on iOS, Facebook and other social networks since its initial launch in summer 2012.…

Concrete Software Releases WordsplosionTM for Android

Concrete Software, developers of rock solid mobile games, is pleased to announce the release of Wordsplosion on the Google Play store.

Wordsplosion is a rapid-fire word game in which players must correctly guess a five-letter word before the timer runs out.

The first letter of the word is provided and players are allowed five incorrect guesses, but time is of the essence, because taking too long results in…Wordsplosions.…

The Future Of Videogames launches Death Ray Manta for iOS

The Future Of Videogames presents the cult PC arena shooter “Death Ray Manta” for iOS.

Liverpool, England. Birthplace of all The Beatles and all the beatles and home to a house cunningly disguised as a house. So begins another adventure for Robert Fearon and Jeff Murray, defender of videogame justice and typer of things into computers respectively, as they battle to inject all the colours into the world stolen from videogames by most modern videogame making people who we still like but really, use more colours.…

Feed Your Word Game Addiction With ‘Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed’

Independent game developer and publisher ‘EnsenaSoft’ is proud to announce the release and availability of their brand new and first of its kind 3D word-game, ‘Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed’. Available on the iOS®, Mac OS™, Google Play™ and Amazon® app store(s), this highly addicting word game has you searching for hidden words in a matrix of scrambled letters.…