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JoyBits LTD, a leading publisher and developer of interactive entertainment, announced an all new spook-tacular Halloween update to its ever-popular puzzle game Doodle God available now on Steam. In this free update to the game players will receive all new quests, trading cards, backgrounds, emoticons, and more!

In Doodle God players mix and match different elements starting with fire, earth, wind, and air to ultimately create an entire world filled with skyscrapers, aliens, and more. With an all new “Planet” mode feature, as each new element is created players will see the new element beautifully animated in their world. Each time a new element is successfully created, players are rewarded with the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest philosophers and comedians of all time!

Doodle God Halloween Update Features:
•New Halloween themed quests: Jack-O-Lantern and Witch
•New Steam trading cards, backgrounds, and emoticons
•New Halloween themed menu screen and graphics
Doodle God is available for PC on Steam for $5.99, (store.steampowered.com/app/348360). The Doodle God franchise will be coming to Xbox One in 2016.


“Doodle God is about as simple, accessible, and gorgeously presentable a game as you’re going to find…I absolutely LOVED every second of it.”
4.5/5 – AppSafari

“Doodle God is actually that rarest of things, a game that refuses to fit into any single genre and so has instead created its own. But you still find yourself pondering philosophically as you try to reverse-engineer millions of years of human evolution.”
App of the Day – EuroGamer

“JoyBits have nailed time-wasting to a fine art with Doodle God and with more updates planned you can expect to get great value and fun for your money. Be prepared to lose an afternoon with this game, it’s just that powerful.”
80/100 – AppSpy

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