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InnoGames publishes Grepolis App for Android Smartphones

InnoGames just launched the android app for its strategy game Grepolis worldwide. It works cross-platform with the browser version and the recently launched iOS app, which means that players only have to create one account, which they can use on all three platforms. They will always play with the same cities, troops, allies and opponents.

The user interface of the app is optimized for smartphones and the app does not only contain the core features of the game but also advanced features like the alliances forum and the advisors. It also allows direct play, which means that you do not have to register in order to play the game. However, cross-platform functionality only works with registered accounts. The android app supports hundreds of devices and requires android 2.3 or higher. It generally also works on tablets; a dedicated tablet version is being planned.

With the recent update to version 1.20 for the iOS app, InnoGames included the farming overview, known from the browser version to the mobile version. Besides, the app now offers an improved overview about the building projects and queue in the senate.

Grepolis is a strategy game set in Ancient Greece. In the free browser-based title, players are tasked with building up a vast metropolis and uniting with other players to establish a powerful military and conquer far away islands. Currently it boasts over 20 million registered users and is playable in 22 languages.

Next to Grepolis, games company InnoGames has published major browser game titles like Forge of Empires, Tribal Wars and The West. With more than 110 million registered users, the German company belongs to the biggest developers and publishers of online games.

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