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Keep Little John Flying in Gaffa Games’ Dreamslide Plus for iOS

Ready to take Little John on the ride of his life? Then you’re bound to enjoy Dreamslide Plus, a fusion of physics-based gameplay and line drawing by Brazilian studio Gaffa Games. Launching today on iOS, Dreamslide Plus has players keep Little John up in the air by drawing lines and catching stars in over 40 challenging, partially randomized levels. Don’t lose speed or he might wake up 🙂

Created by Guilherme Alves, founder of Gaffa Games, Dreamslide Plus pays homage to the fast-paced, fluid gameplay of Sega’s NiGHTS into Dreams and Sonic The Hedgehog. Like Sega’s “Blue Blur,” Little John likes to go fast – except that he prefers the sky to the green hills of old. Staying airborne demands extreme skill and and an eye for the stars, which provide Little John with much needed speed. Up and down, skipping from line to line, only the player can keep Little John up in the air by furiously drawing lines and collecting valuable special items.

“Dreamslide Plus attempts to translate the excitement of flying in our dreams to waking life by having players ‘draw’ a floating path for Little John to follow,” says Guilherme Alves. “Sure, the game is far from easy, but it’s also a rewarding experience once you start to go really, really fast. After a few minutes, you’ll get the hang of it – and then the fun truly begins!”

Key features
•Unique gameplay: Think fast and draw lines in real time to avoid falling off the screen or hitting obstacles.
•Incredibly challenging: It may take a lot of practice to control Little John, but you’ll love being in the “flow” once you learn how to fly.
•Levels are meant to be difficult: You’ll need a lot of practice to reach the goal.
•40 partially randomized levels: Rote memorization won’t help!
•Delightful soundtrack: A lighthearted music score contributes to the game’s dreamlike atmosphere.
•Combo system: Collect stars in succession and increase your score exponentially. How far can you go?
•Achievements: Can you collect them all?
•Leaderboards: Compare all your level scores with your friends.
•Combo mode: Play an endless level to achieve the largest combo possible.

Pricing and availability
Dreamslide Plus is a free-to-play title for iOS. The game is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


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