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Era of Celestials, Thanksgiving events and stuff planned

3D MMOARPG Era of Celestials releases their new Soul Card system today as a warmup for Thanksgiving. Adventurers will have access to mega enhancements of their equipment, bringing with it high BR. New systems, new ways to be strong, new adventure are waiting for you…

In-game, there are two events lined up for thanksgiving. Players will have noticed they can collect Thanksgiving Tokens by logging in to Boss Hunt, which can be exchanged for free Elysians and mounts. Don’t forget to exchange them in time! The event runs until the end of the month, and once it’s finished, it’s finished!

On top of this, from today you will be able to play Turkey Hunter. Simple premise, harder than it sounds, but very cool prizes. Go and hunt those turkeys and let us know what special rewards you got!

On social media, Era of Celestials is running the Facebook Fans Challenge. Follow the instructions on their page, and if you hit the goals, you’ll be rewarded with prizes across all of your servers. Check out their Facebook page here for the full rules and to get involved – the event runs until the end of Nov.

Whilst you’re online, why not try your hand searching for limited gift codes in the Fan Page Treasure Hunt. You’ve got till the end of the week to find the codes on Facebook, Twitter, Discord and Instagram. In order to collect all the rewards, you’ll need to stay tuned across all platforms.

If all that’s not enough, there’s an exclusive special Gift Code to get a Thanksgiving costume: EOC4THANKSGIVING – but be quick! It’s first come, first serve for the first 5,000 only.

Soul Card System: Brand-new system to increase your power.

To increase the power of their divinity equipment, players can collect Soul Cards to build up their special attributes. Each piece of divinity equipment contains three card slots. Only when all the slots are filled will the various attributes and effects be accessible. Players will also be able to essentially personalize their Soul Cards, enhancing and polishing them as they see fit in order to create the perfect equipment attributes.
Here’s what you need to know:

1)Every piece of divinity equipment contains three card slots. The Soul Card in inventory can be equipped in the slots;
2)Only vanquisher and divinity equipment can equip Soul Cards;
3)Once a Soul Card is equipped, the activated attributes of the Soul Card can be gained;
4) The same Soul Card cannot be equipped in more than one piece of equipment;
5)The grade of the equipped Soul Card must be less than the piece of equipment;
6)The equipped Soul Card cannot be dismantled or inset in another equipment’s slot unless it is taken down from previous equipment slot;
7)Legendary or locked Soul Cards cannot be dismantled.

To gain Soul Cards, there are several ways: one is the in-game events, the other is the upcoming PVE game-play—Soul Realm. This contains a number of exciting adventurer scenarios. There are different themed maps waiting for you to conquer. Soul Realm is coming soon!

Era of Celestials is available on the App Store and Google  Play