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EMMA: Lost in Memories coming to PC, iOS & Android on August 16

EMMA: Lost in Memories is an action running platformer coming to Steam (Windows PC), iOS and Android on August 16.

Poetic, surrealist and melancholic, EMMA offers a unique experience in a strange and dangerous world, where walls fade away as you touch them.

The main character, Emma, is young, vibrant and intriguing: she leaves her home following an owl, and soon loses herself in a world which she slowly finds more and more dangerous.…

The Black Widow on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android

The Black Widow is about to “materialize” on Windows PC, Mac, smartphones, and tablets everywhere!

Hope you’re in the mood for a creepy interactive true crime murder mystery – unraveled by communicating with the dead, no less. Faithfully reenacted from original court records and letters, The Black Widow allows players to investigate the true case of Australia’s first female serial killer, Louisa Collins, who was the last woman to hang in the state of New South Wales.…

Exospecies, Simultaneous turn-based strategy game on iOS

Exospecies – a 1v1 strategy game created by Microsoft veteran/Xbox One Operating System co-lead Eric Zinda is available at the App Store.

Combining the ageless gameplay of chess, strategic moves from Magic: The Gathering, and isometric combat from mid-’90s strategy DOS games such as SimCity, Exospecies allows players to form their very own alien militias to fight in surreal, exotic habitats all over the universe.…

TEPPEN, new hero and card reveals

GungHo Online Entertainment (GOE) has announced plans to reveal new Hero and card additions, as well as an esports initiative, for TEPPEN, its Capcom co-developed ultimate card battle game. Details will be shared at the TEPPEN Asia Japan Premiere event on August 8, 2019 from 1 p.m. JST (August 7, 2019 from 9 p.m.…

Hamsterdam launches on Switch, Windows PC, Mac & Mobile

New York based developers Muse Games (Guns of Icarus, CreaVures, Embr) today announced that Hamsterdam, their hamster-fu beat ‘em up, launches today on Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, Windows PC and Mac (Steam)

Play as the hamster hero Pimm and harness the mightiest martial arts powers. Kick tail through district after district on a heart-pounding journey to take down the Vermin Gang, save Grandpa, and restore peace to Hamsterdam.…

Battle Chasers: Nightwar, turn-based RPG on mobile

The critically acclaimed turn-based RPG Battle Chasers: Nightwar is now available for iOS and Android. The game is based on the best-selling comic book series “Battle Chasers” by Joe Madureira and offers about 30 hours of singleplayer campaign-greatness, dungeon crawling, crafting, exploration, demanding tactical battles, tons of monsters, incredible loot and … fishing!…

MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY, Third birthday means collaboration event

MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY®, the critically-acclaimed mobile RPG from SQUARE ENIX®, kicks off its third anniversary celebration today with a new collaboration with the iconic game FINAL FANTASY VIII, as well as other exciting campaigns and promotions. Starting today at 8:00 p.m. PDT through November 1, 2019, players can access FINAL FANTASY VIII – The Sleeping Lion, an original storyline created specifically for MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY for free, as well as a variety of other items and special offers to commemorate the occasion.…