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Horse Farm, simulation game on Nintendo Switch

Now the greatest happiness on earth cannot only be found in the saddle of a horse but also while playing with your Switch. Horse Farm is available for the Nintendo games console.

In this simulation game players become managers of their own horse farm and take care of the guests’ as well as the horses’ wishes.…

Thronebreaker, role-playing game on Nintendo Switch

CD PROJEKT RED, creators of The Witcher series of games, announce that Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is available for Nintendo Switch.

Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and turn-based battles, and spins the tale of Meve, war-veteran queen of two Northern Realms — Lyria and Rivia.…

Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator, simulator game on Switch

Ultimate Games S.A. released Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator on Nintendo Switch.

Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator is an enhanced simulator directed towards motorcycle fans.

Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator

The game allows you to be an expert in motorcycle repair. The gameplay concentrates on various elements – the player can buy, sell, repair and improve motorcycles.…

Super Tennis, arcade game on Switch

Ultimate Games S.A. released Super Tennis on Nintendo Switch.

Super Tennis is an arcade game that offers quick and uncompromising fun.

Super Tennis

The creators of Super Tennis focused on simple and fast fun. In intensive tennis matches, the speed and appropriate reaction of the player plays a key role.

Super Tennis sands out with its retro style audiovisual setting.…

STONE, noir adventure story on Xbox One

Convict Games, a collection of ex Remedy devs, musicians and filmmakers, have just announced their NAVGTR award nominated and acclaimed debut interactive story STONE is out on Xbox One and Xbox One X. STONE was planned to be out before Christmas on Xbox, but the team at Convict decided to postpone to fix more bugs and get more polish in for players.…

Vilmonic Mobile, an Artificial Life Sim on iOS & Android

Vilmonic is a truly living world of evolving life forms with emergent behavior. It was founded on the principles of the strong claim of artificial life that computational systems can actually be living systems.

Vilmonic is also a super cute, mellow and fun crafting sandbox game.

Your goal is to bring life back from the brink of extinction.