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KAMIKO, a game styled around Japanese Shinto beliefs

Flyhigh Works confirmed that the Skipmore-developed hit KAMIKO is available to download on Steam (Windows PC). The fast-paced action title has previously been a major success on the Nintendo Switch, selling over 250,000 copies on the platform.

KAMIKO is a game styled around Japanese Shinto beliefs.

Fight through the campaign as three priestesses called “KAMIKO” and battle against demons while solving puzzles to make your way through the stages. Each stage has several Torii (gates) which are magically sealed. Find a way to break all the seals to make your way to the stage boss.

Each priestess has unique fighting capabilities, and as you master the game you can go on speed runs to set the best time!

Look no further if you are looking for an arcade action game with a twist!

Steam Page – https://store.steampowered.com/app/1022480/KAMIKO/

KAMIKO is available on the Nintendo Switch and Windows PC.