Yeah Jam Fury: U, Me, Everybody! on Steam

Yeah Jam Fury: U, Me, Everybody! is a brand new personality-filled platformer from World Entertainment Studios and McLeodGaming, which fuses the multi-character puzzling of Trine with the madcap challenge of Super Meat Boy.

The game invites players to use all three of their egos – Yeah, Jam, and Fury – to create blocks, scale walls, and destroy everything that stands in the path of their righteous mango. (Fruit is awesome, okay?)

Yeah Jam Fury started life as a student project, which was released as a successful free Flash game via Newgrounds. Over the past few years, World Entertainment Studios and McLeodGaming have been working away on an entirely new version of the game – with a new engine, art style and game mechanics to boot.

“My dudes,” said the developers today, while writing this press release, “we’re exasperated. What started as a mere Flash game from five years ago was rebuilt from the ground up… like… what?”

Padding things out for an additional paragraph, they added: “Yeah Jam Fury was once a college project exploring mechanics. Shortly after we got on Newgrounds, and that was cool. Then there were some back alley deals, a little bit of life trauma, and hurdles every step of the way. But now we’re excited to finally bring this fever dream of a whattheheck to everyone else. Whether or not you mute the game within the first couple of seconds, we love you for giving it a shot.”

A full rebuild and design evolution of the original Flash game, complete with all-new level editing and sharing tools, Yeah Jam Fury is out now on Steam.

About Yeah Jam Fury

Yeah Jam Fury: U, Me, Everybody! tests your speed and ingenuity in over 100 levels of smiley blocks and falls into the abyss. The mango lies in wait for you to reach out and grab it. And this trio of dudes is just about hungry enough to help you:

Yeah, AKA Mr. Fabricate, takes steady aim and fires blocks to set the path. He’s good at controlling everything except his mouth.

Jam, AKA Mr. Navigate, is so full of energy he literally bounces of the walls. Good luck getting a handle on him.

Fury, AKA Mr Eradicate, AKA Lover Boy, is the meat. He can’t jump, but blocks break in his wake.

Switch dudes, take action, fall, respawn, fall, respawn, wait a moment, fall, respawn, and scale those blocks to get the mango!

Key features:

  • Over 100 levels of unique puzzle-platforming nonsense
  • Create and share your own machinations with the game’s level builder
  • Dozens of brag-worthy Achievements
  • Lead the pack on the Steam Leaderboards
  • Sturdy gamepad support
  • Whimsical cloud save data