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Slime-tastic! Slime-san

One giant worm, a slimy hero, hundreds of levels, several mini-games and an incredible, all-star soundtrack!

Are you ready for a gooey adventure?! Headup Games and Fabraz are oozing with pride because Slime-san releases today on PC, Mac and Linux. Got what it takes to help our slimy hero escape his fate? Then get the fast-paced platformer now on Steam and Humble Bundle for $ 11.99 / € 11.99, available at a 10% launch discount.

Experience the platforming sensation yourself and jump, slide and slime your way through a giant worms’ innards, who gobbled up poor Slime-san. Combine his slimy perks with your quick reflexes to conquer over 100 challenging levels while discovering tons of unlockables and secrets along the way and listening to the great all-star soundtrack!

Slime-san is developed by Fabraz, an independent development studio that previously has come to underground fame with their critically-acclaimed games “Cannon Crasha” and “Planet Diver”.

Console releases of Slime-san will follow in Q3 2017.

About Slime-San

Slime-san was minding his own business, sliming around in a peaceful forest when suddenly…A giant worm appeared and gobbled him up!

Now deep within the worm’s belly, Slime-san has to face a decision: Be digested by the incoming wall of stomach acid… Or jump, slide and slime his way through the worm’s intestines and back out its mouth!


•Incredibly fast-paced and twitch-timing platforming madness!
•No time to stay still as you are chased by a wall of acid at every corner! Run, run, run!
•Being a slime has its perks. Slime your way through cracked walls and surfaces!
•Bust through brittle obstacles or tense situations with a speedy dash move.
•Slime to slow time, dash to speed it up. Feel like an absolute badass with pixel precise maneuvers!
•A game filled with content: 100 levels made out of 400 rooms combined with 100 new game+ levels totalling to a staggering 200 levels and 800 rooms!
•Collect partially-digested apples to unlock different play styles, outfits, shaders and mini-games!
•Get your shopping done in a town of survivors within the worm, home to colorful characters and surprising secrets.
•Each level is timed with online rankings, for the competitive and score-oriented.
•Unlock extra game modes like New Game+, Speed Running and Boss Rush modes!
•Get engrossed in a unique, 5 colored, pixelated world…found… within… the worm?
•Features integrated Twitch mode to display the chat and even have your viewers influence the game!
•Adhesive Wombat, Tiasu, Meganeko, Kubbi, Inverse Phase, Richard Gould… Over 10 composers contributed with over 20 songs for a chiptune album that you can’t help but groove out to!

Awards & Recognition

•Official Selection of the Gamescom Indie Arena Booth (August 2016)
•Finalist @ IndiePrize Tel Aviv (September 2016)
•Semi-finalist @ Game Development World Championship (October 2016)
•Playcrafting 16Bit Awards: Best Style Nominee (November 2016)
•Finalist @ IndiePrize Berlin (December 2016)
•Member of Swiss Games Delegation (December 2016)