Blendoku 2 Taps into the Human Need to Organize Crayons by Colour

Sequel to the 6 million downloaded original out now on iOS and Google Play

Blendoku [blen-doh-koo]
Verb (used with object)
1. To organize into a colour sequence
Popular with artists and educators worldwide, Blendoku 2 is now available to download on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Watch the launch trailer:

Blendoku 2 takes the colour theory principles found in its predecessor, which holds a 5-star average on the Apple App Store and a 4.5-star average on Google Play, and adds a bevy of new features including:

· 500 free new levels
· Painting mode puzzles featuring the work of old masters
· New ranking and leveling system adding different tile types and background colours
· Turn-based multiplayer
· New music and LAB color model instead of traditional RGB

“The reaction to Blendoku from artists and educators has been fantastic, and we hope that the painting mode in Blendoku 2 makes them even more excited,” says Lonely Few Co-Founder Rod Green. “We’ve even had some fans who are veterans say they use the game to calm down their PTSD, which is amazing.”

Blendoku 2 is available for free on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.