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The Exorcist: Legion VR Comes To Oculus Rift and HTC Vive

Fun Train and Wolf & Wood are proud to bring The Exorcist horror franchise to premium virtual reality with The Exorcist: Legion VR. Based on the events of The Exorcist III, players experience a stand-alone story untold in the movies across five chapters.

The Legion has come! A variety of demons have returned to our world just as Pazuzu (the main demon from The Exorcist franchise) promised. Follow in the shoes of a detective in Chapter 1 as they uncover strange details behind the grisly murder of a priest. Each subsequent Chapter takes the player further in the journey as they assume the role of a detective investigating the demonic entities lurking in the shadows, culminating in a satisfying ending for any fan of the franchise.

  • Five stand-alone episodic chapters that come together for a truly cinematic end.
  • Don’t just play the movies, live a whole new story experience in full VR!
  • Step into the shoes of an exorcist to confront ancient forces of evil when everything is at stake!
  • Discover an intricate story filled with mystery and peril.
  • Choose between HTC Vive or Oculus Rift headsets via SteamVR or purchase directly from the Oculus Store for an experience unlike any other. 
  • Switch between both free roam and teleport locomotion to have full control over your experience.
  • Play using room scale, standing, or even seated.
  • Utilize a menu consisting of a cellphone, an exorcism kit, among other important items found during the journey.
  • Unique items found throughout the stories are collected in your evidence room to be evaluated at a later time.
  • Chapters can be replayed at any time, enabling users to discover hidden story content, special achievements and easter eggs.
  • Chapter 1 and 2 will be out for PCs concurrently on November 22nd on Oculus Store and SteamVR, with a later release on Viveport and Playstation Network Store.